George Washington Papers

Cash Accounts, June 1759

Cash Accounts

[June 1759]

June 13— To Ditto [cash] of Ditto [Col. Custis’s estate] £154. 0.0
19— To Ditto of Ditto 20. 0.0
To Ditto of Ditto 77. 0.0
To Ditto of Ditto 12.15.0
To Ditto of Ditto 6.12.0
June 16— By Cash pd Mr Prentis’s Acct1 54. 9.7 3/4
By Do pd Captn Meridith for a Pipe Wine2 45. 0.0
By Do pd Mr Richie’s Acct3 29. 0.0
By Do pd Chs Jones’s—Taylor 10.15.1
By Do pd Tarpely & Knox’s4 7. 4.9
By Do pd Alexr Craig—Sadler5 5. 5.2
By Do pd Joseph Scrivener6 2.18.1 1/2
By Do pd Hugh Orr—brass Work7 1. 1.4
By Do pd James Graham—Store Acct 0. 8.6
By Thos Bishop 10/. By Mrs Washington £10 10.10.0
By Do [cash] pd Wm Cloptan for Negro Hannah & Child8 80. 0.0
By Billy Baily—Subscription9 1.10.0
By Craik Jeweller10 2. 0.0
By Mrs Dandridge Servts 2/6.  Ferriage West p[oin]t11 5 0. 7.6

AD, General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 56.

1William Prentis & Co. was one of the leading stores of Williamsburg.

2Captain Meredith may be William Meredith (1704–1760) whose plantation was on the Mattaponi River in King and Queen County, or one of his four sons, William, Jr., Ralph, Samuel, or John.

3Archibald Ritchie was a Scottish merchant in Hobbs Hole (Tappahannock).

4James Tarpley was a merchant in Williamsburg in partnership with different people at various times.

5Alexander Craig (c.1717-1776) was a Williamsburg saddler with whom GW continued to deal.

6Joseph Scrivener (c.1722–1772) operated a store in Williamsburg.

7Hugh Orr (c.1710–1764) had a blacksmith shop in Williamsburg and was a captain in the local militia.

8In about 1765 Hannah married Morris, one of GW’s dower slaves. Shortly thereafter Morris became overseer of GW’s Dogue Run farm at Mount Vernon, a position he held until 1794 (Diaries description begins Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. The Diaries of George Washington. 6 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1976–79. description ends , 1:214–15). William Cloptan was a planter in New Kent County.

9GW wrote “Belly Baily.” William Bayly (Bailey, Baily; d. 1782) ran a tavern in Colchester.

10James Craig was a Williamsburg jeweler with whom GW had frequent dealings.

11Mrs. Frances Jones Dandridge, widow of John Dandridge, was Martha Washington’s mother. She lived in New Kent County, at Chestnut Grove. West Point is where Pamunkey and Mattaponi rivers join to form the York.

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