To George Washington from John Carlyle, 8 August 1758
From John Carlyle
Alexr. Augt 8t. 1758
Dr Sir,
I Wrote You A few days Ago & Acquainted you that the Newgent Only Capt. Copethorn had gote Safe home, tho’ had damaged A little of his Tobacco (Yours I hope & Mine Are out of that Quantity) To the Above Letter I desire to be referr’d & Now I have Very little to Say more then that I wou’d not Lett an Oppertunity Slip, With out Giveing you the Trouble of A few lines to keep Up A Correspondence So Agreeable to Me.1
Yr house I am told this day is Cover’d In & beleive Everything their Goes on Well (as Col. Fairfax tells Me) You have the Only Good Crop In These parts In both Tobacco & Corn.
Tobacco Continues at 25/⅌Ct & If any Number of Ships Comes In Next Year I donot know What price it May Be.
We have No News here, Mr Dalton & All yr Acquaintanc⟨es⟩ Mrs Carlyle Amongst the first, Wish & Pray for Yr Safe ⟨mutilated⟩ As does Yr rely Affectionet & Obliged Humble Servant
John Carlyle
ALS, DLC:GW. The material in angle brackets was taken from
.John Carlyle (1720–1780), the Alexandria merchant, handled some of GW’s personal business while GW served as colonel of the Virginia Regiment from 1755 through 1758.
1. Carlyle’s letter is dated 4 August.