George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Abraham Bosomworth, 11 July 1758

From Abraham Bosomworth

Camp at Rays Town 11th July 1758

Dear Sir

I recd your favor of the 6th and Communicated the Contents to Colonel Bouquet;1 I acquainted you in my last of a Party of 24 Indians being gone off to Fort Du Quesne, when they come near the Place they will divide into two or three small Parties by which means we shall have the greater Chance of getting a Prisoner, I expect them back in 14 days when I hope to send you good news; I really believe the French are but weak & that there are few Indians at Du Quesne tho’ Moskingo is so far distant that there’s little Dependance upon the Intelligence we receive from that Quarter,2 I hear Paris has Caried the Indians who took the Scalp in all 17 down to Fort Loudoun & is now on the road to this place;3 Majr Lewis arrived here last night Colo. Bouquet is mightily pleased with their Dress. I am Dr Sr your most Obedt Servt

A. Bosomworth


1No letter from GW to Bosomworth of 6 July has been found.

3GW did not think well of the Indian scout Richard Pearis, and soon Bouquet shared his low opinion of him. Pearis got to Raystown on this day with sixteen Cherokee, who “left us yesterday [14 July] like rascals, after having solemnly promised to take part in the campaign,” Bouquet wrote. “Perhaps I wrong their leader [Pearis], but I think he rather thought to put himself forward by bringing them under the lure of getting presents for their past services, instead of seeking to make them render new services. He is not a trustworthy man, in spite of the recommendations that may be given to you at Carlisle. (He left the day before yesterday to go to Cumberland with Bosomworth.)” (Bouquet to Forbes, 15 July, in Stevens, Bouquet Papers description begins Donald H. Kent et al., eds. The Papers of Henry Bouquet. 6 vols. Harrisburg, Pa., 1951-94. description ends , 2:215–17).

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