To George Washington from Warner Lewis, 6 May 1758
From Warner Lewis
Warner Hall May 6th 1758.
Dear Sir
Lieutenant Thruston of Colo. Byrds regimt will deliver you this, & I begg leave to recommend him to you for your kind advice, notice, & assistance, & shou’d any thing happen in the course of this undertaking, wherein a friend may be requisite, I hope (upon my account,) You will think of Mr Thruston, & do him all the good services in your power, as it will be doing me a singuler favour.1 Mr Edwd Cary will be with him, who I likewise recommend to your kind notice.2 I am, Sir, Yr most Obedt & Affect. Kinsman
Warner Lewis
1. Charles Mynn Thruston (1738–1812) was a lieutenant in William Byrd’s 2d Virginia Regiment. He later became rector of Petsworth Parish in his native Gloucester County, and in 1768 he was made rector of Frederick Parish, Frederick County. He was active in public affairs during the Revolution and afterward.
2. Edward Cary (b. 1737), of Abingdon Parish, Gloucester County, and son of Edward Cary (d. 1750) also of that parish, was a lieutenant in Byrd’s regiment.