Saturday 15th. Thermometer at 66 in the Morng. 68 at Noon and 68 at Night.
A Heavy lowering morning with the wind at South. Clear afternoon and fine Evening.
The Reverend Mr. Grayson, and Doctr. Griffith; Lund Washington, his wife, & Miss Stuart came to Dinner—All of whom remained the Evening except L. W.
After the Candles were lighted George Auge. Washington and Frances Bassett were married by Mr. Grayson.
The ground continuing too wet to level, the labourers worked in the Shrubberies.
Put two thousand of the Common Chestnuts into a box with dry Sand—a layer of each & two hundred of the Spanish Chesnut in like manner to plant out in the Spring. These were put into Sand in a day or two after they were taken from the Trees.
Spence Grayson (1734–1798) was a son of Benjamin Grayson of Prince William County and a brother of William Grayson. He lived at Belle Air, two miles from Occoquan River, and had been for a number of years minister of Cameron Parish, Loudoun County. At this time Grayson was serving as minister of Dettingen Parish, Prince William County, which included two churches, one near Dumfries and the other near Broad Run and Slater Run. During the Revolution, Spence Grayson served as chaplain of Grayson’s Additional Continental Regiment, commanded by his brother William.
David Griffith was probably at Mount Vernon to deliver to GW some Cape of Good Hope wheat, which Samuel Powel of Philadelphia had sent (GW to Powel, 2 Nov. 1785, DLC:GW).
Miss Stuart is probably David Stuart’s sister Nancy.
Although he was still concerned about George Augustine’s health (see 14 May 1785), GW wrote Fanny’s father on 23 May 1785, “It has ever been a maxim with me thro’ life, neither to promote, nor to prevent a matrimonial connexion, unless there should be something indispensably requiring interference in the latter . . . & therefore, neither directly nor indirectly have I ever said a syllable to Fanny or George upon the subject of their intended connexion; but as their attachment to each other seems to have been early formed, warm & lasting, it bids fair to be happy: if therefore you have no objection, I think the sooner it is consummated the better.” He added that he and Mrs. Washington wished the young couple to live at Mount Vernon (GW to Burwell Bassett, DLC:GW).