Saturday 4th. Mercury at 72 in the Morning—80 at Night [Noon] and 80 at Night.
Not much Wind, and that Southerly—very warm.
In the afternoon a thunder Gust above & below this but little rain fell here.
In the Afternoon the celebrated Mrs. Macauly Graham & Mr. Graham her Husband, Colo. Fitzgerald & Mr. Lux of Baltimore arrived here.
Catherine Sawbridge Macaulay Graham (1731–1791), a prominent English author, wrote the much-lauded History of England from the Accession of James I to That of the Brunswick Line, published in London, in eight volumes, 1763–83. Richard Henry Lee’s letter of introduction to GW indicated that her only reason for going as far south as Virginia was to see GW (Lee to GW, 3 May 1785, DLC:GW). GW thanked Lee for the introduction to Mrs. Macaulay Graham, “whose principles are so much, & so justly admired by the friends of liberty and of Mankind. It gives me pleasure to find that her sentiments respecting the inadequacy of the powers of Congress... coincide with my own” (GW to Lee, 22 June 1785, PPAmP: Lee Papers). Mrs. Macaulay Graham’s first husband, George Macaulay, had died in 1766 and her remarriage in 1778 to the 21–year-old William Graham, 26 years her junior, had caused her much criticism and ridicule.
George Lux (1753–1797) was a merchant in Baltimore, Md. (
, 304–305).