4. Genl. Lee went away after Breakfast. A Mr. Tarrant Breakfasted & Dined here. And Mr. & Mrs. Custis, & Miss Calvert came here in the Afternoon.
Leonard Tarrant was visiting GW as a representative of the firm of Balfour & Barraud, of Norfolk, seeking to obtain from GW “about a Thousand Barr[el]s flour & a few hundred Bar[rel]s of bread” (Balfour & Barraud to [GW], 25 Dec. 1774, DLC:GW). Tarrant got his contract.
GW today lent Charles Lee £15 cash, probably for traveling expenses to Williamsburg. According to a memorandum that GW wrote for Fielding Lewis on 30 April 1775, the debt was to be discharged by Col. William Byrd, with whom Lee supposedly left money for that purpose (PHi: Gratz Collection). Nevertheless, the £15, plus £9 12s. which GW lent Lee in June of this year, remained unpaid until four years after Lee’s death, when the account was settled without interest by the executor of his estate ( , folio 137).