George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 23 November 1773]

23. Dined with Lord Dunmore at his Farm & spent the Evening at Anderson’s.

Dunmore had two estates, apparently continguous, totaling 579 acres, about six miles from Williamsburg in York County. One, called the Old Farm, Dunmore purchased from Robert (“Councillor”) Carter in 1772 (petitions of Lord Dunmore to the commission on losses of American Loyalists, 1784, P.R.O., A.O.13/28; MORTON [1] description begins Louis Morton. Robert Carter of Nomini Hall: A Virginia Tobacco Planter of the Eighteenth Century. Williamsburg, Va., 1941. description ends , 201). The other, called Porto Bello, had just been purchased by Dunmore two weeks before this visit (Va. Gaz., R, 4 Nov. 1773). A description of Porto Bello made in 1769 presented “its situation beautiful, the land good, fine meadows, plenty of fish, no end to oysters, close at the door; and the orchard accounted one of the finest on the continent” (Va. Gaz., R, 30 Nov. 1769).

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