George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 23 May 1773]

23. Set out for New York with Lord Sterling, Majr. Bayard & Mr. Custis after Breakfasting with Govr. Penn. Dind with Govr. Franklin at Burlington & lodgd at Trenton.

Major Bayard is probably Maj. Robert Bayard, a member of the Jockey Club (JACKSON description begins Joseph Jackson. “Washington in Philadelphia.” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 56 (1932): 110–55. description ends , 118). Lord Stirling had been a guest at the 17 May meeting of the Jockey Club (JACKSON description begins Joseph Jackson. “Washington in Philadelphia.” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 56 (1932): 110–55. description ends , facing p. 118).

William Franklin (1731–1813), son of Benjamin Franklin, became the last royal governor of New Jersey in 1763. His championship of the rights of the crown led to an estrangement between father and son. During the Revolution he was held prisoner for two years by the Americans and went to England shortly after his exchange.

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