19. Mr. William Digges & his four Daughters came as also a Mr. B. Buckner who bot. Flour of me.
William Digges’s will written in 1780 mentions four daughters: Theresa, Ann, Jane, and Elizabeth. Two other daughters are known: Susannah who died young and Mary who died single (BOWIE description begins Effie Gwynn Bowie. Across the Years in Prince George’s County: A Genealogical and Biographical History of Some Prince George’s County, Maryland and Allied Families. Richmond, Va., 1947. description ends , 255; RAMSBURGH description begins Edith Roberts Ramsburgh. “Sir Dudley Digges, His English Ancestry and the Digges Line in America.” Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine 57 (1923): 125–39. description ends , 130–31). Baldwin Mathews Buckner (d. 1778) and his brother John Buckner (d. 1790), both of Gloucester County, were in partnership in the West Indies trade. Their younger brother Mordecai Buckner of Spotsylvania County, had served under GW in the Virginia Regiment (General Ledger B description begins General Ledger B, 1772–1793. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 65; BUCKNERS description begins William Armstrong Crozier, ed. The Buckners of Virginia and Allied Families of Strother and Ashby. New York, 1907. description ends , 154–58).