George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 8 December 1772]

8. Rid over Muddy hole, Doeg Run, & Mill Plantations before Dinner. In the Eveng. my Brothrs. Jno. & Chas. & Mr. Jno. Smith came.

John Smith is probably John Smith (1750–1836), son of John Smith of Cabin Point. By this time the elder Smith’s lands, Fleets Bay plantation in Northumberland County and a large tract in Gloucester County, had been sold to satisfy the enormous debts of his estate, and in 1773 young John, with his brother Edward Smith (1752–1826), moved to Frederick County, settling near Winchester (Va. Gaz., P&D, 6 Aug. 1772; TYLER [2] description begins Lyon G. Tyler. “The Smiths of Virginia.” William and Mary Quarterly, 1st ser., 4 (1895–96): 46–52, 95–103, 183–87. description ends , 95–100).

Index Entries