18. Went upon the Survey & Division of Wades Land between Barry & me. Colo. West, Mr. Jno. West, Captn. McCarty, & Captn. Darrel Commrs. came home with me as did Val. Crawford Mr. Geo. West & Chs. West.
As ordered by the court on 20 Aug., George West divided the disputed tract on Dogue Creek, allotting 75 acres to GW and 118 acres to William Barry (GW’s list of quitrent lands for 1772, DLC:GW). GW received less land, probably because he received riparian rights on the creek as part of his share of the property. Almost 11 years later GW bought the 118 acres from William Barry and his wife, Sarah, for £150 Virginia currency (deed of William and Sarah Barry to GW, 16 June 1783, ViMtvL).