19. Mrs. Barnes came up to Alexandria. I returnd home in the Afternoon, & found Colo. Blackburn & Lady, Miss Scott Miss Brown, & Doctr. Brown here who came before Dinner—also found Mr. Peale & J. P. Custis.
Col. Thomas Blackburn (c.1740–1807), a Prince William County justice, lived at Rippon Lodge near Dumfries. His wife was Christian Scott Blackburn (b. 1745), younger sister of Miss Catherine Scott. Dr. William Brown (1748–1792) graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1770 and had begun to practice medicine in Alexandria. He would soon marry Catherine Scott. Miss Brown is probably Dr. Brown’s sister Frances Brown (d. 1823), who would later marry Charles Alexander of Fairfax County (
, 165, 177–78, 601–3).