George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 11 March 1772]

11. Dined and Spent the Evening at the Club at Mrs. Campbells.

Earlier in this session of the burgesses, the house had ordered its committee on propositions and grievances to prepare a bill empowering two planters to erect gates on public roads that crossed their property to public ferries. Today the committee was further instructed to include GW, Burwell Bassett, and Joseph Cabell in the bill. GW was to be permitted to “Keep a Gate or Gates, on his Land, across the Road leading to Posey’s Ferry, on Potowmack River,” while Bassett was to be allowed the same privilege on the road to the Brick House ferry on York River and Cabell on the road to his ferry on the James (JHB description begins H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia. 13 vols. Richmond, 1905–15. description ends , 1770–72, 198, 235).

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