31. For the most part Cloudy and hazy like with but little Wind & that from the Southward. Warm at least not Cold.
For several days GW had been experiencing what one meteorologist has called “the greatest snowstorm in the history of the middle and lower Potomac Valley” (LUDLUM description begins David M. Ludlum. Early American Winters, 1604-1820. Boston, 1966. description ends , 144; BETTS [2] description begins Edwin Morris Betts, ed. Thomas Jefferson’s Garden Book, 1766–1824: With Relevant Extracts from His Other Writings. Philadelphia, 1944. description ends , 33; FAIRFAX description begins [Sally Cary Fairfax]. “Diary of a Little Colonial Girl.” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 11 (1903–4): 212–14. description ends , 213). Deep snows at Williamsburg delayed the convening of the General Assembly, and the Virginia Gazette carried no news from a northern source until 5 Mar.