George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 22 September 1771]

22. Dind at Mr. Sam Gallaway’s & lodged with Mr. Boucher in Annapolis.

Galloway belonged to the Annapolis Jockey Club, and on 24 Sept. he would race his horse Selim, for which he had paid £1,000 as a yearling in 1760 (Md. Gaz., 26 Sept. 1771).

Jonathan Boucher and Jacky Custis were living in the St. Anne’s Parish parsonage on Hanover Street. Jacky had written to GW on 18 Aug., extending an invitation on behalf of Boucher to stay at his house, as it would be “almost impossible to get a Room at any of the ordinaries, the Rooms being preengaged to their [regular] customers” (DLC:GW).

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