20. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons & spent the Evening in my own Room.
The House of Burgesses passed the flood relief bill on its final reading this morning, and having accomplished the main purpose of this session, it was prorogued (, 1770–72, 138–40).
GW today dispatched his orders for goods to Robert Cary & Co. and other English merchants. Included in them were many luxuries that he had apparently postponed buying while the nonimportation agreements were in full effect: expensive shoes and boots, fine silk and broadcloth clothing, “a man’s very best Bear. Hat,” a leather portmanteau and saddle of the very best quality, and two seals made of “Topaz or some other handsome stone . . . w[it]h the Washington Arms neatly engraved thereon” (GW to John Didsbury, 18 July 1771, GW to Thomas Gibson, 18 July 1771, and GW to Cary & Co., 20 July 1771, DLC:GW).