15. Came to Williamsburg abt. 10 Oclock. Dined at Mrs. Campbells—spent the Evening in my own Room.
GW may have arrived too late to attend the House of Burgesses today; during this session the burgesses were sitting at 9:00 A.M. to avoid the midday heat, and this day’s meeting was apparently a brief one. The matter of flood relief had been referred 12 July to a committee that was to determine as nearly as possible how much tobacco had been lost in the public warehouses, but it was not yet ready to report (, 1770–72, 123–27).
Later this day at the Capitol there was a general meeting of the Virginia association, at which GW was probably present. Responding to complaints from Fairfax and Fauquier counties about unequal enforcement of the current agreements, the associators decided in the future to prohibit the importation of only “Tea, Paper, Glass, and Painters Colours of foreign Manufacture, upon which a Duty is laid for the Purpose of raising a Revenue in America” (Va. Gaz., P&D, 18 July 1771).
GW lodged with Mrs. Campbell.