George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 16 May 1771]

16. Dined at Mrs. Dangerfields with Colo. Bassetts Family & returnd in the Afternoon to Eltham.

Mrs. Hannah Daingerfield of New Kent County appears on Burwell Bassett’s census list of 1782 as head of a household consisting of 2 whites and 33 blacks (HEADS OF FAMILIES, VA description begins Heads of Families at the First Census of the United States Taken in the Year 1790: Virginia; Records of the State Enumerations, 1782 to 1785. 1908. Reprint. Baltimore, 1970. description ends ., 36). She was conducting her own financial affairs before 1776 (Va. Gaz., D&H, 3 Aug. 1776).

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