27. Dined at Colchester in my way to Dumfries on the Arbitration between Doctr. Ross & Compa. & Mr. Semple. Supped at Grahams & lodgd at Mr. Montgomeres.
Graham’s is probably the home of Dumfries merchant Richard Graham, but may be John Graham’s home about 1½ miles southeast of town (MASON [2] description begins Robert A. Rutland, ed. The Papers of George Mason, 1725–1792. 3 vols. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1970. description ends , 1:iv; VERME description begins Elizabeth Cometti, trans. and ed. Seeing America and Its Great Men: The Journal and Letters of Count Francesco dal Verme, 1783–1784. Charlottesville, Va., 1969. description ends , 49, 126; W.P.A. [1] description begins W.P.A. Writers’ Project. Prince William: The Story of Its People and Its Places. American Guide Series. Manassas, Va., 1941. description ends , 94). GW recorded no tavern expenses for this stay in Dumfries.