George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 14 March 1771]

14. Rid to my Mill & came home by Posey’s. Captn. Adam dined here.

Although Robert Adam of Alexandria had been appointed a captain in the Fairfax County militia during 1768, GW usually refers to him in the diaries as Mr. Adam (Fairfax County Order Book for 1768–70, 36, Vi Microfilm). The Captain Adam who came today was probably Thomas Adam, who commanded the brig Adventure on several trading voyages out of the South Potomac Naval District 1766–68. The Adventure had apparently been owned jointly by Thomas and Robert Adam until this year, but now the two men were having a new vessel built to replace the Adventure: the ship Martha, which on 23 Dec. 1771 would make her maiden voyage from the South Potomac under the command of John Thomas Boucher (P.R.O., C.O.5/1350, f. 51; P.R.O., C.O.5/1449, f. 83; P.R.O., C.O.5/1450, ff. 10–12, 40; see main entry for 14 April 1771).

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