23. Miss Massey went away, and in the Evening Mr. Boucher, Majr. Taylor and Jackey Custis came here.
Boucher was now moving from Caroline County to Annapolis, where Jacky, as had been agreed, was going also to continue his studies under Boucher’s direction. Major Taylor may be James Taylor (1732–1814), Caroline County sheriff and militia officer (grinnan description begins “James Taylor.” Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 34 (1926): 366–67. description ends , 366–67; va. exec. jls. description begins H. R. McIlwaine et al., eds. Executive Journals of the Council of Colonial Virginia. 6 vols. Richmond, 1925–66. description ends , 6:331; campbell [1] description begins Thomas Elliott Campbell. Colonial Caroline: A History of Caroline County, Virginia. Richmond, 1954. description ends , 369–70).