13. Dined at Mrs. Campbells and went to the Ball at the Capitol.
Today in the House of Burgesses, GW introduced Daniel McCarty’s bill, and the Potomac navigation bill was referred for study to a committee composed of GW, Richard Henry Lee, and the burgesses from Frederick and Hampshire counties. The house also approved an address to the king and a memorial to the governor recommending that the colony’s western boundary be changed by running a line from “the Western Termination of the North-Carolina line . . . to the River Ohio” (, 1766–69, 334–36). The ball was given in the evening by the burgesses for the governor, the council, and the ladies and gentlemen of the town, and the Capitol was illuminated for the occasion. Of the ladies who attended, “near one hundred, appeared in homespun gowns” to show their support of the nonimportation agreement. “It were to be wished,” William Rind’s Virginia Gazette observed the following day, “that all assemblies of American Ladies would exhibit a like example of public virtue and private oeconomy, so amiably united” (R and P&D, 14 Dec. 1769). GW paid £1 toward the subscription for this ball on 16 Dec. ( , folio 299).