18. Dined at Mrs. Dawsons & went to Bed by 8 Oclock.
Another meeting of the dissolved burgesses was held in the Apollo Room today beginning at 10:00 A.M. The committee appointed on the previous day presented a nonimportation plan, and after being “read, seriously considered, and approved,” it was signed by 88 “of the principal Gentlemen of the Colony,” including GW. The subscribers promised that “by their own Example, as all other legal Ways and Means in their Power,” they would “promote and encourage Industry and Frugality, and discourage all Manner of Luxury and Extravagence.” No member of the association was henceforth to import directly or indirectly any article taxed by Parliament for the purpose of raising a revenue in America (except inexpensive paper) or any untaxed article appearing on a long detailed list of European agricultural and manufactured goods. Forbidden items that had been previously ordered could be received, but after 1 Sept. 1769, none in the colony, regardless of date of importation, was to be bought. These agreements were to remain in effect until one month after the repeal of the Townshend Acts or until the members of the association decided to dissolve it, but in the latter case the prohibition against taxed articles would remain in effect until repeal of the taxes (, 1766–69, xl-xliii).
GW today bought a copy of John Dickinson’s recent pamphlet, Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies. He also purchased a pair of gloves, medicines, and coffee and paid his bill at Hay’s: £2 12s. 9d., including 20s. “arisg. from the Associaters meetg. there” ( , folio 290).