George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 6 March 1769]

6. Set out with Fieldg. Lewis for Fredg. where we reachd after dinner at Peyton’s on Acquia—i.e. reachd my Mother’s.

Peyton’s ordinary, on Aquia Creek in Stafford County, was about 16 miles above Fredericksburg on the main road from Alexandria (see rice description begins Howard C. Rice, Jr., and Anne S. K. Brown, eds. The American Campaigns of Rochambeau’s Army, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1783. 2 vols. Princeton, N.J., 1972. description ends , 2:93, 177). While GW was at Ferry Farm he gave his mother £3 cash (General Ledger A description begins General Ledger A, 1750–1772. Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 5, Financial Papers. description ends , folio 287).

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