George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 30 January 1769]

30. At home all day, Mr. Campbell the Comptroller dind here & in the afternoon Doctr. Mercer came.

Hugh Mercer (c.1725–1777) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scot., and studied medicine at the University of Aberdeen from 1740 to 1744. In April 1746 Dr. Mercer served as a surgeon’s mate with Prince Charles Stuart’s forces at the bloody Battle of Culloden, where the prince’s army was destroyed. Soon thereafter Mercer immigrated to America, settling on the Pennsylvania frontier. There he practiced medicine until the outbreak of the French and Indian War, when he joined the Pennsylvania forces as an officer. During this service he became acquainted with GW. After retiring from the military, he settled in Fredericksburg, where he opened an apothecary shop and practiced medicine. Dr. Mercer was not related to John Mercer of Marlborough.

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