George Washington Papers

Remarks of the Weather [January 1768]

Remarks of the Weather [January 1768]

Jany. 1st. Ground exceedg. hard froze, but this day calm & moderate.

2. Moderate. Wind Southwardly. Thawing a little.

3. Rain, with the Wind at So. West. Gd. still hard froze, except the Top of it.

4. Foggy & Warm. Mid day clear. Frost still in the Earth. Calm.

5. Very thick & Foggy in the Morning. Wind afterwards at No. Et. and Rain all day the Wind shifting southwardly.

6. Warm, clear, & pleasant, in the Morng. Wind high from No. Wt. & cool afterwards.

7. Clear and frosty. Wind brisk from No. W.

8. Clear, frost, & still.

9. Cloudy, with Misty forenoon & constt. Rain afterwards. Wind Southwardly.

10. Weather clear. Wind Southwardly, yet raw and Cold. Hard frost.

11. Clear with the Wind at West. Evening very cold & Wind Northwardly. Severe Frost. River froze across.

12. Wind at No. West and exceeding cold and frosty.

13. More moderate, and yet very cold, with a little Snow in the Morng. and Eveng. clear.

14. Clear and pleast. Wind at South River still froze.

15. Clear and pleasant. Wind Southwardly. Thawd a good deal.

16. Constant Snow the whole day from the Northward.

17. Clear and pleasant. Wind So. West and West. Hard frost.

18. Still & cloudy. Very like to Snow but broke away abt. Sun Set. Cold.

19. Clear and pleast. Morning. Afternoon Raw & cold.

20. Clear, still, & warm. Thawd a great deal.

21. Very warm and Still. Snow dissolving fast.

22. Warm, still, and clear again. Snow almost gone.

23. No Frost last Night. Warm, & clear in the forenoon. Cloudy with some Rain in the Afternoon—afterwards clear again. Ice broke in the River.

24. Lowering Morning, but very fine & Warm till 7 in the Afternoon, when the Wind shifted to No. East from So.

25. Drizling & Raing. all day. Wind—No. Et.

26. Wind at No. West. Cloudy & cold, with Spits of Snow.

27. Cold—cloudy—& still morng. Clear & pleast. afterwards. Wind Southwardly.

28. Wind at No. West & very cold.

29. Do. at Do. & Do. River froze up again last Night.

30. Very hard frost last Night. Morng. cold but more moderate afterwards. Wind gettg. Southwardly.

31. Lowering. Wind Southwardly & moderate. Ice breaking and dispersing.

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