[August 1764]
[August 1764]
1 & 2. Sowed Turnips—behind Garden.
10. Sowed Spelts—behind Ditto.
14. Cut Timothy Seed at Doeg Run.
17 & 18. Brought Oats from Ashfords. Note they were good Oats & a bushl. of them when well cleand weighd 30 lbs. & a bushl. of Spelts—weighd 28.
22. Trimmed up 52 heads of Tobo. at Creek Quarter for Sweetscented Seed.
Began to cut Meadow on Creek.
23. Peaches require to be gatherd for B[rand]y.
24. Began to sow Wheat at Muddy hole.
27. Began to sow Do. at Riverside Qr.
28. Began—Do. at Creek.
30. Began—Do. at Doeg Run.
31. Finished curing & Stacking Hay.