17. Began Mowing Meadow on C[ree]k side.
Planted at Orchard point—Craiks and Cowpen my 5 sorts of Tobo. as follow
At the point 100 hills of each sort in undunged gd. & 100 of dunged
The 1st. Row next Tobo. bed Fred[eric]k & so on as they were sowed in March last then begg. with the same & so on alternately.
The same Order observe at Craiks begg. next Creek & in the Cowpen next Wood.
Orchard Point was apparently a point of land on Clifton’s Neck at the mouth of Little Hunting Creek (see “Observations” entry for 14 July 1768). On his 1766 map of River Farm, GW refers to a point of land across the creek from this as Old Orchard Point (GW Atlas, pl. 3).