[The Weather] [January 1760]
[The Weather] [January 1760]
1st. Fine warm Sun Shine—wind Southerly.
2. Warm, but Mist and Rain.
3. Just the same kind of Weather as Yestery.
4. Ditto.
5. Wind at No. West. Blew hard & grew very Cold.
6. Clear & tolerable warm.
7. Ditto.
8. The morng. fine, but Cloudy & cold afterwards.
9. High wind, but clear & tolerably warm.
10. Fine, clear & warm.
12. White frost & clear in the Morng. but Cloudy afterwd.
13. Wind at N. Wt. very clear, & extrame cold.
14. Wind Do. but not hard—yet very cold & frosty.
15. Do. pretty fresh & very cold & frosty.
16. Wind at So. Wt. very cloudy in the Mg. At 12 begn. to Sn[ow].
17. Wind at No. Et. and Rain till Noon then Mist.
18. Great Sleet, & mist till Noon, then clear Wd. So.
19. Wind So. tolerable clear—but cloudy afternn.
20. Wind Contd. So[uther]ly with Rain, & Warm.
21. So[uther]ly in the Morng. and Rain till Noon—then No[rther]ly & clear.
22. Wind cond. No[rther]ly. Clear, cold, & hard frost.
23. Clear and Moderate—wind Westerly.
24. Fine day. Wind So[uther]ly. Gradual thaw.
25. Warm & So[uther]ly wind in the Mg. Afterwards. at No. Wt.
26. No. Et. in the Morng. So[uther]ly afterwards.
27. Strong So. wind & Rain till 4 P.M. then No. Wt.
28. Wind at So. again & fresh. Clear all day.
29. Wind at Do. till 3 Oclock then No. W. clear all d[ay].
30. So[uther]ly Wind & Cloudy till 9 at Night then No. W. & clear.
31. ⟨N⟩o. Wt. clear and Cold.