Thursday Mar. 27. Southerly Wind, day warm and very fine. Sat my Plow to work and found She Answerd very well in the Field in the lower Pasture wch. I this day began Plowing with the large Bay Mare & Rankin. Mulatto Jack conting. to Plow the Field below the Garden.
Agreed to give Mr. William Triplet £18 to build the two houses in the Front of my House (plastering them also) and running Walls for Pallisades to them from the Great house & from the Great House to the Wash House and Kitchen also.
William Triplett (d. 1803) of Truro Parish lived with his wife Sarah Peake Triplett at Round Hill about four miles northwest of Mount Vernon. He had participated in a recent remodeling of GW’s mansion house, doing brickwork on the foundation and chimneys and plastering the interior of the house. His bill for those jobs, which totaled £52 8s. 4d., had been discharged by GW on 26 Feb. 1760 (John Patterson to GW, 2 Sept. 1758, DLC:GW).
, folio 72). GW had planned to have the two outbuildings mentioned here built earlier, but Triplett’s many engagements to work for other planters in the area had prevented him from undertaking the task until now (