James B. Longacre to James Madison, 14 October 1833
Baltimore October 14. 1833
Dear Sir
It is entirely owing to circumstances apart from my own intentions, that I have deferred the pleasure it gives me to acknowledge the receipt of materials for a biographical sketch of yourself intended for the National Portrait Gallery furnished by a friend of your selection—The document thus furnished is very satisfactory, and leaves nothing to regret; but it’s brevity, a fault which we have too seldom cause to remark in other contributions for our work—My thanks however, for the promptness of your attention and courtesy, are not on that account the less due, or cheerfully rendered—
Be pleased to accept Sir for yourself and Mrs. Madison, the assurance of my most sincere and grateful recollections—Your most obt. Servt. &c.
James B. Longacre
of PhiladelphiaRC (NjMoHP).