James Madison to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 26 September 1831
Sepr. 26. 1831
Dr Sir
The inclosed letter was recd. several days ago. I infer from its not being followed by one from you, that the writer mistook your intention. Be good eno’ to do in the case what you & Genl. Cocke, think best; or if he cannot be conveniently consulted, what you think <is>, being assured of my concurrence. The case I believe belongs to the Faculty. But if they have scruples, it must rest with the Ex. Come. to decide whether it be justified by the peculiar considerations incident to the case, in taking a responsibility on itself.
I find regret Dr. Sir, that my distance from the Scene, the impossibility of occasionally visiting it, the crippled state of my health, and the awkwardness and delays, in participating, by the pen, in the duties of the Ex. Come. <I> beg of you & Genl. Cocke, whenever your opinions <coincide> to waive the formality of mine, and in no case to wait for my calling the attention of the Committee to the partic<ular> duties to be performed. This wish is impressed on me by the number of services prescribed by the Board at its last session. Among them is the correspondence with Mr. Barlow & Mr. Peale, which cd. best be managed on the spot, with the aid of papers not in my hands, and with that of counsel at the University. Dr. Carr would doubless cheerfully make his pen instrumental to the task of the Committee.
Draft (DLC).