James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Jacob Engelbrecht, 17 October 1827

To Jacob Engelbrecht

Montpellier Ocr 17. 1827

Dear Sir

I have duly recd. your letter of the 12th. instant. I had not forgotten my promise, and had made the provision for it now enclosed.1 But wishing to substitute for the abstract used a little Apologue which I would have preferred, more delay has been occasioned by my unsuccessful endeavours to obtain it than I foresaw. That you may be no longer disappointed I forward what I had first prepared. Drop me a line saying that it has not miscarried. With friendly respects

James Madison

RC (owned by Jacob E. Engelbrecht, Washington, D.C., 1961); draft, in two fragments (DLC).

1The enclosure was an autograph letter requested by Engelbrecht; see JM to Engelbrecht, 4 July 1827, and n.

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