James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Alexander Garrett, 18 April 1827

To Alexander Garrett

Montpellier Apl. 18. 1827

Dear Sir

Your letter of the 9th. postmarked the 10th. inst. was not received till yesterday, whether delayed on the way, or not duly delivered from the office at O.C. House, I know not. I had signified to Genl. Cocke my wish that he would concur with you in arrangements for giving effect to the legal authority for a loan. I am sorry for the failure of the first experiment, and can only express my hope that your resort to the Banks may be more successful. Should they also be deaf to our wants I know not to what quarter you can turn next. You will I am sure do all that can be done. With sincere esteem

James Madison

RC and draft (ViU: Special Collections, Madison Papers). RC franked and addressed by JM; cover docketed by Garrett.

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