James Madison Papers

From Robley Dunglison to the Board of Visitors, 1 October 1825

From Robley Dunglison to the Board of Visitors

University of Virginia October 1. 1825.


I am directed by the Faculty of the University to request your particular attention to their proceedings since the 22d of September, and to press upon your notice the necessity of appointing an efficient police as circumstances have occurred during the last and present night which render such a measure essentially necessary.1 I have the honor to be, Gentlemen, very respectfully yours,

Robley Dunglison
Secretary to the Faculty

RC and enclosure (ViU: Special Collections). RC docketed by Jefferson “Faculty. Resoln. Oct. 2. 25 to the Visitors.” For enclosure, see n. 1.

1The enclosure (1 p.; in an unidentified hand, except for Dunglison’s emendations, date of 2 Oct. 1825, note: “Copied from the minutes,” and signature), is a faculty resolution adopted unanimously, stating that owing to the “disorders committed by the Students of the University on the last & the preceding nights,” and the “growing frequency of similar excesses,” the faculty is requesting “some immediate provision for a vigilant & efficient police … not only to protect their dwellings & their families from insult, but themselves from personal danger—and that without some such provision, a proper respect for themselves & those they are bound to protect forbids their longer continuance in office.” For the riotous proceedings of 30 Sept. and 1 Oct. 1825, see Malone, Jefferson and His Time description begins Dumas Malone, Jefferson and His Time (6 vols.; Boston, 1948–81). description ends , 6:465–67.

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