James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Mary Randolph, 26 March 1825

To Mary Randolph

Montpellier March 26. 1825

Dear Madam

The copy of your little Volume1 accompanying your letter of the 17th. instant, came duly to hand; & I am very sensible of the politeness to which I owe the favor. Of the value of its precepts on paper I cannot undertake to judge: when reduced to practice on the table, the question will be less beyond my pretentions. But altho’ I cannot decide on the merit of the Author by the book, it is a case in which I think myself very safe in reversing the rule, & infering the merit of the publication from the pen from which it proceeds. In this confidence I anticipate the welcome reception that will be given to it by better judges than myself. Be pleased to accept Madam the expression of my high respect, & sincear regard; in which Mrs. Madison cordially unites with me.

Js Madison

FC (DLC). In Dolley Madison’s hand, with her docket.

1Dolley Madison wrote “Vol.” and JM added “ume.”

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