James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Barbour, 14 November 1824

From James Barbour

November 14th. 24

Dear Sir

Yours of this morning1 is the first intimation I have had of the General’s approach. The shortness of the interval, and our sparse situation present almost insuperable difficulties in making a suitable arrangement to meet him. Mr. Jefferson Randolph agreed with me either to give me timely notice by express of his coming (if practicable) or that the conveyance from Monticello should attend him to your house. I prefer, however, if you approve that every thing should be Orange, after he touches the line. I propose therefore to have my carriage at Gordon’s tomorrow by 11 O’clock. And I must ask you to send yours by the same time. I must trouble you also to send the enclosed to Captn. C. Macon2 by a Servant. If we do not relieve the escort from Albemarle they will, from the time of arriving at your house, be subjected to great inconvenience. My best respects

James Barbour


1Letter not found.

2This was probably JM’s nephew, Conway C. Macon (1792–1860), a planter living at Mt. Erin in Orange County, Virginia, who served in the state militia during the War of 1812, was county sheriff in 1843, and a justice of the peace. He sold his property in 1848 and eventually moved to Richmond, where he was employed as a tobacco inspector (Chapman, “Descendants of Ambrose Madison,” 62).

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