James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Mackay & Campbell, 14 May 1821

To Mackay & Campbell

May 14. 1821


I am to receive from Mr. Cazenove of Alexa several Bbles &ca which I took the liberty of requesting him to address to your care. Shd they have come to hand, the Waggoner Aleck1 will bring them up. The cost of these articles is $243.36. If you can witht. inconvenience make Mr. C. this remittance you will oblige me: if not let me know. I have a little more flour to send down wch. will follow the Tob.2 now occupying my Waggons; & wch I wish to hasten to Liverpool as much as I can. There will be abt. 14 Hhds. for which I must get to provide a freight. How soon may I expect to get it into a situation authorizing me to draw a Bill.

The Bearer will bring also a Garden Watering Pot if you can have one delivered to him.

Draft, two copies (DLC: Dolley Madison Papers). The first draft is written on the verso of the second draft, which JM struck through. Minor differences between the copies have not been noted.

1The second draft has “the Bearer Aleck” here.

2In the second draft the paragraph from this point reads: “which at present employ my Waggons, and as soon as I can get the Tobo on board for Liverpool, I shall be able to draw a bill. At what time may I expect an oppy. for the shipment? I shall have abt. 14 Hhds. and hope to have them in Fredg. in 2 weeks from this date.”

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