James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Mahlon Dickerson, 15 February 1817

To Mahlon Dickerson

Washington, february 15, 1817.


Objects interesting to the United States requiring that the Senate should be in session on the 4th of March next, to receive such communications as may be made to it on the part of the Executive, your attendance in the Senate Chamber in this City on that day is accordingly requested.1

James Madison

RC (NjHi: Dickerson Papers). In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM.

1Mahlon Dickerson (1770–1853), a graduate of the College of New Jersey at Princeton and governor of New Jersey 1815–17, was about to take up a seat in the Senate of the Fifteenth Congress, which he held until 1829 (Woodward and Craven, Princetonians, 1784–1790, 369–85).

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