James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Richard Taylor, 23 July 1816

From Richard Taylor

Louisville 23d. July 1816

Dear Sir

My son Joseph having buisiness at the War office at the Citty of Washington as he is young & Inexperienced he may be at some loss how to proceed to gett it finished. I have therefore Ventured to trouble you with a request to advise him in what wou’d be his best course to take in the matter.

I wish also to mention to you the [sic] he has been Transfered from the Infantry to the Artillary but his standing is a Lower grade than he formerly held in the Infantry. Now I confess I have a wish that if he reejons the Army it shoud be in the same rank he formerly held. I hope you will be so good to Excuse this Intrusion on your time, My wife Joins in Love to your good Mother, & our best wishes to your Lady & beleive me to be with Friendship & Esteem your most Obt. Servt.

Richd. Taylor

N. B my fingers are crippled with the rheumatism so that I doubt if you can read this scrall.

R T.

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM.

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