James Madison Papers

David Parish to James Monroe, 10 July 1814

David Parish to James Monroe

Philada. the 10 July 1814.


In addition to the depositions I had the honour of handing you during my Stay at Washington,1 I now beg leave to transmit herewith one, made by Mr. Jos: R. Paxson, a passenger arrived in the Cartel Fair American, who states a Conversation had with one of the Gentlemen at the head of the Alien office, from which it would appear that the British Government are desirous that the liberality they have extended to American Citizens, should be made Known to you, & be considered as an inducement for our Government to reciprocate the same good offices to British Subjects in the United States.2 I am with great Esteem Sir Your most obedt Serv

David Parish

RC and enclosures (DLC). Docketed by JM. For enclosures, see n. 2.

1The depositions have not been found, but in his 26 June 1814 letter forwarding them to Monroe, Parish noted that the secretary of state had requested him to obtain the documents “for the purpose of being used in some measures, in contemplation, for the relief of alien enemies” (DNA: RG 59, War of 1812 Papers, Requests for Permission to Sail from the U.S.).

2Paxson’s undated deposition (1 p.) stated that in “May last” he had returned from England, where he had been “permitted to travel as an Alien enemy under no other restrictions than what are usually imposed on all foreigners.” [Thomas Moore] Musgrave of the Alien Office had declared to Paxson that he would do everything possible “to elliviate the condition of any American who might suffer any privations” in England due to the war, and had asked Paxson to report his good treatment there to Monroe. The deposition was affirmed before Pennsylvania notary public George Ihrie on 8 July 1814, as attested by Ihrie’s enclosed statement (1 p.).

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