James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Ninian Edwards, 12 December 1813 (Abstract)

From Ninian Edwards, 12 December 1813 (Abstract)

§ From Ninian Edwards. 12 December 1813, Kaskaskia, Illinois Territory. “I have the honor herewith to transmit to you a memorial from the legislature of this territory to congress in persuance of the request contained in the resolution annexed thereto.”

RC and enclosure (DLC). 1 p. The enclosed undated memorial (8 pp.), addressed to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives and signed by George Fisher, speaker of the Illinois Territory house of representatives, and Pierre Menard, president of the territory’s legislative council, proposed that Congress alleviate Illinois Territory’s financial difficulties by giving or selling to the territory the U.S.-owned salt works “on the Saline Creek near the Ohio river.” It concluded with a resolution requesting that a copy of the memorial be sent to JM.

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