James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Vincent Gray, 18 February 1803

From Vincent Gray, 18 February 1803

Havana 18th. February 1803.


A Vessel being about to get under way for New Port Rhode Island, I embrace the opertunity ⟨to⟩ enclose you a copy of the order of the Governor ⟨an⟩d Captain General of this Island respecting Strangers.

Altho’ the order appears to be a severe one, ⟨a⟩nd I believe will be carried into execution with more ⟨r⟩igor than usual, yet I have experienced more ⟨po⟩inted attentions from the Government lately, and [. . .] in a Public manner, than at any time heretofore.

I was apprised of this order some days past, and of the cause of its being Issued; of which ⟨I⟩ will inform you by a vessel about to sail in a few days for Baltimore. I am Sir, Very respectfully, Your most Obt. Servt.

Vincent Gray

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