James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 22 September 1801

From William Kirkpatrick, 22 September 1801

Malaga 22 Sepr 1801


I wrote to you on the 25 Augt: of which duplicate goes inclosed. Since then both the Philadelphia & Essex returned here, and again proceeded on the 12th. Inst, to the Eastward, after the former had watered & received some small supplies that Capt Barron stood in need of.

On the 5 Inst I received an official Information, of which the enclosed is Copy, and immediately notified all the foreign Consuls residing here, that the Port of Tripoly was to be considered in a state of Blockade, by the Squadron under the Command of Commodore Dale, for their Information & Governmt.

I am happy in having it at last in my Power, to announce to you, that the rigorous Quarantine which has been imposed for near a Twelve month past, on all Vessels from America, has at last been reduced to Ten days, which is a great Aleviation to our Merchant Vessels trading to this Country.

I find by Advices from Gibraltar, that the Tripoline Admiral has hauled up his Vessels, and embarked himself for Malta. Only about Twenty men including Officers remain, to take Charge of them. Consequently our Vessels have nothing to fear from that Quarter.

I have this day received advice from Mr. Gavino Consul at Gibraltar, of a very gallant Action performed by Capt Sterritt of the Schooner Enterprize. After an Engagement of Three Hours, He has Captured and Carried into Malta a Tripoline Cruizer of 14 Guns, & Eighty men, with the loss of 20 men Killed & 30 Wounded. At the same time I am happy to add, that the Enterprize has not lost a single man. I am with great Consideration, & respect, Sir, Your most obedt hl. Se.

Willm: Kirkpatrick

P.S. The Ship say Frigate Genl. Washington has this moment come to an anchor.

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