James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Mathieu, 9 June 1801

From John Mathieu, 9 June 1801

Naples 9th. of June 1801—


The very moment that the American Brig James Steward was ready to sail (no other Ship being to depart) I have received from Malta by the channel of the Consular Agent in Messina a letter from Mr. England dated 27. May with a Copy of a Circular letter send him by Mr. Cathcart our Consul in Tripoli, informing us that said Regency has declared war to the United States the 14th. May; According to his request I here with send you Copy of said Circular letter. I have also forwarded to our Consul at Leghorn Mr. Appleton two letters received from Mr. England, which he says were from Mr. Cathcart. I am very Respectfully Your Most humble & Obedient Servant—

John Mathieu

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