James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Josef Yznardy, 24 July 1806 (Abstract)

From Josef Yznardy, 24 July 1806 (Abstract)

§ From Josef Yznardy. 24 July 1806, Cádiz. “I have the honor of enclosing you two Packets and a letter received this Post from our Chargé d’affaires Mr. G. W. Erving at Madrid, and from our Consul Mr. Montgomery at Alicante; and to advise you that orders have been received in the Department of the Navy, to put in readiness with Six months Provisions three Ships of the Line to start the moment orders will come down from Madrid.

“For information respecting Quaranteen, you will find herein Copy of a Letter from Mr. Erving on the Subject.1

Adds in a 30 July postscript: “Notwithstanding that in the anteceding it mentions to enclose you two Packets from Mr. Erving, it only contains one, as the Second received from said Gentleman I enclosed under a blanc Cover, forwarding it ⅌ the said Brig, which will serve you a Govierno.”2

RC and enclosure (DNA: RG 59, CD, Cádiz, vol. 2). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Yznardy; marked “Original ⅌ Brig Georgia Packet Capt. F. Collier. New York.” Cover sheet postmarked Philadelphia 27 Sept.; docketed by Wagner. For surviving enclosure, see n. 1.

1The enclosed copy of George W. Erving’s 11 July 1806 letter to Yznardy (1 p.) acknowledged receipt of Yznardy’s reply to Erving’s circular query on quarantines (for the circular, see Erving to JM, 17 June 1806), stating that he had incorporated the information in a 10 July note to Pedro Cevallos on the subject and would inform Yznardy of the results. Filed with the enclosure is a copy of a notice of increase in tonnage duties at ports in the district of Sanlúcar de Barrameda, signed by Françisco Theran, intendant of the province, with Yznardy’s note at the foot: “Mr. Erving at Madrid, has been duly informed that he may make the proper representation.”


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