To James Madison from George W. Erving, 18 May 1804 (Abstract)
§ From George W. Erving
18 May 1804, London. No. 33. “Conformably to a clause in your instructions of April 4th. 18031 it is now my duty to report to you that the Ship Ruby Alexander Shaw Master registered as the Property of Niele McNeal of Charleston sailed from this Port on the 15th. Instant for Angola on the Coast of Africa and from thence was destined to proceed to Charleston South Carolina.”
RC (DNA: RG 59, CD, London, vol. 9). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Erving; docketed by Wagner as received 6 Sept.
1. Erving no doubt referred to JM’s circular letter to U.S. consuls of 9 Apr. 1803, which contains a paragraph on the international slave trade ( , 4:491–93).