James Madison Papers

From James Madison to John Steele, 24 July 1802

To John Steele

July 24. 1802

Dear Sir

I inclose a paper* in which you will find a translation of the Document referred to in Mr. Mclane’s letter to you. If the translation be correct, the French Commissary of Marine, has inadvertently transposed the Collectors & naval officers. The error can scarcely have failed to excite the attention of the American functionaries in France, and to have been rectified on their interposition. It may notwithstanding be well to ask of Mr. Pichon whatever information he can give on the subject, and such interposition on his part as may aid in preventing consequences of the error. For these purposes I will drop him a line without delay.1 With great respect & esteem I am Yrs.

James Madison

Authorial notes

[The following note(s) appeared in the margins or otherwise outside the text flow in the original source, and have been moved here for purposes of the digital edition.]

* instead of inclosing the paper I beg leave to refer you to the Gazette of the U. S. July 13. 1802.2

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