James Madison Papers

Memorandum from Thomas Jefferson, 19 July 1802

Memorandum from Thomas Jefferson

July 19. 1802.

Henry Warren (of Mass) to be Collector of Marblehead v. Samuel R. Gerry.1

William Lyman of Massachusetts to be Collector of Newbury port, vice Dudley A. Tyng2

William R. Lee of Massachus: to be collector of Salem & Beverley vice Joseph Hiller3

Peter Muhlenburg of Pensylvania to be Collector of  4 vice George Latimer

John Page of Virginia to be Collector of Petersburg v. William Heth.5 Tenche Cox of Pensylvania to be Supervisor of Pensylvania v. Peter Muhlenburg.6

Perhaps it may be better to inclose blank commissions to mr. Gallatin in all the above cases, to be filled up & sent out by him, all together, on his return.

Th: Jefferson

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